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Use nested step to improve readability of ur scenario

27 Jul 2010

Ng Tze Yang


Scenario: Accessing create post page
  Given flyerhzm exists
  And a post exists with title: "first best practice"
  And I go to login page
  And I fill in "Username" with "flyerhzm"
  And I fill in "Password" with "flyerhzm"
  And I press "Login"
  When I follow "Submit"
  Then I should see "Share a Rails Best Practice" page


Scenario: Accessing create post page
  Given I am already signed in as "flyerhzm"
  When I follow "Submit"
  Then I should see "Share a Rails Best Practice" page

And the corresponding step definition:

# features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb
Given %r{^I am already signed in as "([^"]*)"$} do |someone|
  user =
  Given "#{someone} exists" rescue nil
  And %|I go to login page|
  And %|I fill in "Username" with "#{user.login}"|
  And %|I fill in "Password" with "#{user.password}"|
  And %|I press "Login"|
